Hermann Hesse @ Buchhandlung Felix Jud Hamburg
"Mit Feder und Pinsel"
In cooperation with the Ludorff Gallery, the art dealer Felix Jud Hamburg is showing selected watercolors, illustrated poems, autographs, and precious book editions.
The exhibition is on view from 28 September to 7 November 2020.
Das Eigenständige und Unverkennbare an Hesses Malerei ist die enge Wechselwirkung zwischen der Abstraktion, Farbigkeit und Musikalität seiner Bilder mit denselben Komponenten in seiner Lyrik und Prosa. / What is unique and unmistakable about Hesse's painting is the close interaction between the abstraction, colorfulness, and musicality of his pictures with the same components in his poetry and prose.
Volker Michels
Visit the exhibition in Hamburg and enjoy the poetry and luminous radiance.