Städtische Galerie Dresden:
"Cornelia Schleime »ich lass mich nicht spannen – lass mich nicht flechten«"
March 4 - August 13, 2023

The Städtische Galerie in Dresden presents an artist whose creative power confidently asserts itself against ideologies, zeitgeist and fashions. During her studies at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts, Cornelia Schleime rebelled against the cultural policies of the GDR. She was denied admission to the then Association of Visual Artists. In 1984 she was expatriated from the GDR and lost her early paintings. Unadjusted and with enormous intensity, she developed her personal style, which could not be pressed into any ready-made categories. Her artistic work is full of creative originality, always intense and multi-layered. Painting and drawing as well as photography and performance and also poetry are her aesthetic means in an ongoing act of penetrating the respective present and exploring her own identity.
Die Eröffnung findet am
Freitag, den 3. März 2023
um 19 Uhr statt.