Klaus Fußmann

© Klaus Fußmann
Watercolour on cardboard
10.5 × 14.7 cm | 4 1/4 × 5 3/4 in
Signed and dated “4.9.83” by the artist and also numbered “56361-21c”and “10.632” by a third hand on the verso
The artist’s writing and the address by the artist’s hand to Johannes Gross, Cologne Rodenkirchen on the verso:
“Myvatn, 4.9.83
It has thrown me to the North again.
This time it is really hard work. Sunny days so far.
Lots of watercolours,
Yours, Klaus Fußmann
The artist’s studio; Collection Johannes Gross, Cologne; Private Collection Berlin
- Galerie Ludorff, "Schöne Grüße – Künstlerpostkarten", Dusseldorf 2018
- Galerie Ludorff, "Schöne Grüße. Künstlerpostkarten", Dusseldorf 2018, p. 24/25