Horst Janssen
Ohne Titel

Felt-tip-pen and crayon on blank postcard
14.8 × 10.5 cm | 5 3/4 × 4 1/4 in
Dated “28 10 69”, marked “cho” and “It is said that there are polylogues for whom it is a mystery that in Chodowiecki’s drawings antique furniture is being thrown around all the time” and also signed on the verso The artist’s writing and the address by the artist’s hand to Johannes Gross, Cologne Rodenkirchen on the verso: “Just came to my mind at 730 Love”
The artist’s writing and the address by the artist’s hand to Johannes Gross, Cologne Rodenkirchen on the verso:
“Just came to my mind at 730
The artist’s studio; Collection Johannes Gross, Cologne; Private Collection Berlin
- Galerie Ludorff, "Schöne Grüße – Künstlerpostkarten", Dusseldorf 2018
- Galerie Ludorff, "Schöne Grüße. Künstlerpostkarten", Dusseldorf 2018, p. 46/47